Allow me to explain this situation as best I can because... Gah... It is so difficult to do so in short...
Ring for PC match, go in, battle-it-out, flip the district.
Next thing I know I hear over channel, "somethingsomethingsomething says he's talking to a CCP Admin about the match". Immediately I get curious and I go to investigate, wondering what happened. I chime into the channel that this convo is going down in and I'm hearing laughter, think maybe I got the wrong channel. Here's the paraphrased version of the last.... (checks) forty-five minutes or so.
Basically the player who was part of the defending corp lost the district and at this point was either saying that they themselves were a "CCP Admin" and or knew someone who was (named Brenda? Glenda? I dunno) and they had made a report because of a 'sabotaged match'. Now, there's a lot of craziness on comms and laughter going on because this is (arguably) kinda crazy - a CCP admin playing in PC who just lost a district and is now openly discussing the state of a report with the winning team? I know, nuts. I stuck with it though, just sat and listened calmly.
Guy starts saying something about how if we re-attacked the district (which we did) that we'd see a (brace for it) ONE YEAR TIMER pending an investigation. Whatever, I mute my mic, laugh a bit, and then go back to trying to take this seriously. Eventually he moves on and says that "the district will be returned to (CORPORATION NAME) within 24 hours and you guys are probably going to lose all the money you earned, I don't know, but I want you to understand that sirs". Alright. Fair enough. Time for me to chime in (being the only sane/calm one in the channel at this point, surprising, I know).
I ask him to describe how the match was 'sabotaged', expecting to hear something about the PC lag or the usual tidbits of information. I wasn't prepared to hear that one of his guys joined the battle and.... started killing friendlies and throwing themselves at our guns. He was basically being AWOXed. He freaks out a bit and starts to explain that it was "against the rules and regulations". Everyone is laughing because we know that this is Dust 514 and Eve Online where, well, that's just what happens.
I stifle my laughter and tell him to "do me a favor and press L1, scroll down to 'Help' and press 'x' over 'Legal'" (trying to get him to read the EULA). It takes a while but eventually I get him there and I tell him to scroll down to '6.Conduct' and read through and that he didn't have to read it allowed but just to read it. Whether or not he did, I have no idea, because at this point he went right back to the "we were sabotaged" story. I explain that I understood (full and well) and then begin to describe
the difference between scams and exploits per the official article about it. Annnnnd it did nothing. I ask him if he's ever heard of the term 'AWOXing' and he says that he has. I think of this as a glimmer of hope and before I can even say anything someone in the channel says, "What does it mean?! What does it mean!" and he explained it verbatim. But before I can try to elaborate on how this was 100% within the game rules he went right back to the sabotage this story.
So at this point I'm at a loss because I legitimately -DO NOT KNOW- how to explain this in a way that the guy can understand. He starts to say that he reported it to CCP and that he already had a response. I ask if it was the 'automated response' that is generated whenever the report is sent and he says yes.... before immediately going right back to the 'sabotage' story. At this point I just had to leave because I'm desperately trying to keep everyone calm and to prevent them from laughing and exacerbating the situation (I failed. Miserably.)
I left with one final request and that was to get him to make a post here on the general discussions forum and take it up with the community. Basically throwing him to the fire but... Yanno, I couldn't think of a better way for it to be explained.
So, I dunno. I can't think of a better way to explain AWOXing. I'm amused, greatly, but I'm extremely disheartened and actually somewhat sad that I couldn't get him to understand